Novega PT9 NINETY Acoustic Beacon


  • S$1,122.00

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Product Description

PT9 Ninety was the first - and is now the first choice 90-day ULD.  

Corrosion-resistance guaranteed: A new formulated ceramic coating topped the already excellent corrosion protection. Hence, the PT9 ninety withstands the extreme environmental conditions on sea even longer. Approved in long term testing and guaranteed by Novega.

BSH approved compatability: The PT9 adaptor kits guarantee the compatibility to all customary VDR- and S-VDR data protective capsules.

PT9 Ninety meets the requirements of the IMO and is approved by the BSH, The German Federal Maritime and Hydrographic Agency.

General Specifications

Minimum Performance Standards SAE AS8045A, IEC 61996-1 (2013-05) Ed. 2.0
Operating Frequency 37.5 +/- 1 kHz
Power Source Self contained lithium battery
Actuation Automatically by both fresh and salt water, at all depths from 0.15m/0.5ft to 6,096m/20,000ft within 4 hours after immersion
Operating Life 90 days
Acoustic Outputs 106 N/m2 (1060 dyne/cm2) r.m.s. (during the pulse) pressure normalized to 1 metre range, that is, at a level of 160.5 dB vs 1 ?Pa at 1 metre

Size Specifications

Product Dimensions (mm) 98mm (3.85in) (L) x 33mm (1.3in) (Diameter)
Weight (g) 187g (6.6 ounces)

Further information
Manufacturer Product Features and Details
Product Sheet
Quick Start and Installation Guide 
User Manual
BSH Approval (PT9 Ninety)
Technical Drawings

Product Code

Warranty Terms
Warranty period:
3 years from date of purchase (Battery)
Expiry date:
3 years (Battery)
Terms and conditions apply

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